What's new
This page explains what changes are introduced on each release of Tella.
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Tella - Latest Versions
Android: Tella 2.14.0 (193) - Released on December 7, 2024
- Implemented the Nextcloud server connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to Nextcloud. Read more here about the connection.
- Bug-fixing and minor improvements:
- Solved issue that prevented Indonesian translation to load properly.
- Tella now shows an error when a user tries to rename a photo if the new name is already taken.
- User is redirected to the Outbox tab after pressing "submit later" in all new Connections.
iOS: Tella 1.13.0 (87) - Released on November 29, 2024
- Added the possibility to trim videos directly inside Tella's encrypted container. Read more about editing media in Tella
- Bug-fixing and minor improvements:
- Fixed bug: Tella now only allows moving a file to a different folder from the All Files folder.
- Fixed typo in the Quick Delete description.
Android: Tella FOSS 2.0.15 (based on Android 2.0.15) - Released on July 10, 2023
A version of Tella included for the first time on the F-droid store. This a 100% Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) version of Tella Android. We removed all trackers, changed map and location provider and also changed the Camera library to CameraX, removed crashlytics, LoggingInterceptor and any other non-FOSS component or dependency. We removed completely all Google Play Services dependencies.
Previous versions
Android: Tella 2.13.1 (191) - Released on November 6, 2024
- Hotfix for the Dropbox connection. Previous build didn't allow connections to Dropbox.
iOS: Tella 1.12.0 (84) - Released on November 27, 2024
- Added support for the Dropbox connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to their Dropbox account. Read more here about the connection.
- Added the possibility to trim audios directly inside Tella's encrypted container. Read more about editing media in Tella
- Bug-fixing and minor improvements:
- Fixed bug: Renaming audio while recording takes the name or last edited audio.
- Added link to the documentation on the "Connections" screen, for instructions on how to choose a server.
- UI fixes for all connections.
- Updated the About and Help page linking to FAQs and to "Get started guide for iOS".
- Fix navigation issue with Back button on "Connect to server" screens.
- Adapted quick delete options to also delete connections data for new connections.
iOS: Tella 1.11.0 (81) - Released on October 21, 2024
- Implemented the Nextcloud server connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to Nextcloud. Read more about the Connection here.
- Bug-fixing and small improvements:
- Fixed the progress view and cancel action for large files in the Report view in all Connections.
- Hid "use shared drive" button if not using an organizational account.
- Unified the required/optional fields in all Connections.
- Fixed the UI for labels on the Servers view when there is an existing connection.
- Fixed visual bugs on entities and delete entity cards for Uwazi connections.
- Fixed edit connection title.
- Deleted unused WebView class that was flagged in the latest security audit.
Android: Tella 2.13.0 (190) - Released on November 4, 2024
- Added support for the Dropbox connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to their Dropbox account. Read here more about the connection.
- Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- Fixed a bug where "Save to device" sometimes generated duplicated files.
- Fixed a bug where users sometimes got stuck in the recorder after recording audio inside a folder.
- Fixed a bug where users sometimes got stuck in the recorder after going back to the audio library.
- UI fixes for Tella Web and Google Drive connections.
- Updated the "About & Help" screen, linking to the Android "Get Started" guide.
- Updated Quick Delete security settings to cover new Connections (Google drive, Tella Web, Dropbox).
- Fixed a bug for the Uwazi Connection where entities would be duplicated when uploaded when multiple relationships properties were included in the same template.
- Solved a crash in the geolocation property for the Uwazi Connection.
- Solved a crash when sending a file with verification information.
- Solved some issues related to the opt-in privacy-preserving analytics to ensure that measuring time spent in Tella works properly and that some metric applies to all Connections.
Android: Tella 2.12.0 (188) - Released on October 21, 2024
- Added support for the Google Drive Connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to either a personal Google Drive folder or to any organizational Shared Drives they are connected to. Read more about the Google Drive Connection here.
- Added more metrics to our opt-in privacy-preserving analytics to better understand usage patterns of Tella.
- Bug fixes and minor improvements:
- Fixed issues with the homescreen (sometimes showed up empty or with duplicated elements other times).
- Implemented count indicators in the Draft, Outbox and Submitted tabs of Reports.
- Solved a bug that constantly changed the order of the Connections cards on the homescreen, and sometimes disappear completely from the homescreen.
- Solved an unexpected error when submitting to Uwazi a template had related multi-select fields.
- Solved a bug that prevented Primary Document to be shared to the Uwazi server.
Android: Tella 2.11.0 (186) - Released on September 18, 2024
- Added new options to edit photos within Tella's encrypted container: Zoom and Flip.
- Bug-fixing and small improvements:
- Disabled clear-text trafic in the manifest.
- Added missing field name into Uwazi relationship property selector's header.
- Disable button for saving a folder or file if its name is blank.
- Fixed bug that made the sorting of files reverse order.
- Fixed crash when pressing back from the Uwazi template summary screen before submission.
- Added tutorial screen for data collection into Tella onboarding tutorial.
- Show attempts selected on the "Delete after failed unlock" setting screen and fixed UI bug longer languages.
- Solved visual bug for longer Template names in the Uwazi "Download Template" screen.
- Solved visual bug on the report status screen for report upload progress.
iOS: Tella 1.10.0 (79) - Released on September 11, 2024
- Implemented the Google Drive server connection that allows Tella users to upload the data they collect directly to either their personal Google Drive folder or to any organizational shared drives they are connected to. Read here more about the integration.
- Added support for Vietnamese.
- Bug-fixing and small improvements:
- Fixed issue with primary files submission in Uwazi.
- Fixed issue when deleting submitted entities in Uwazi (name was changed).
iOS: Tella 1.9.0 (75) - Released on June 25, 2024
- Added support for the relationship property type in the Uwazi connection.
- Added offline support for the Uwazi server connection (Drafts, Outbox and Submitted tabs). More details here.
- Bug fixing and small improvements:
- Run all remaining database migrations on every update. This bug was causing an inconsistent database state for users who don't use Tella often.
- Fix the strip EXIF metadata feature that had been broken since the last database migration.
- Show a warning if the users tries to delete a file that's being used in server connection that's not submitted.
- Hide password field in a new Tella Web server connection.
- Make the select field on Uwazi connections scrollable.
- Fix back button issues on the onboarding flow.
- Fix the import functionality when no permissions has been granted.
- Keyboard was over text fields when renaming audio, folders or files.
Android: Tella 2.10.0 (185) - Released on Agust 5, 2024
- Added support for the relationship property type in the Uwazi connection.
- Added Vietnamese language support and updated other languages' translations.
- Added support for privacy preserving analytics (opt-in).
- Added the "number of successful unlock attempts" metric.
- More info about how analytics works read here.
- Bug-fixing and small improvements:
- Fixed the "Contact Us" button, which now redirects to email.
- The "Cancel" button when deleting files is now working properly.
- The "Cancel" button for saving files to the device is now working properly.
- Fixed a crash when recording audio directly from within a Tella Web report.
- Solved navigation issues:
- Refactored the Uwazi section and solved crashes on the "Back" button on the 2FA and summary screens.
- Solved issues with the "Back" button in the Tella onboarding flow.
- Solved visual issues:
- Section names are now vertically aligned in the Settings screen.
- The digit in the Quick Delete countdown is now centered.
- In vault, the reorder bottom sheet now shows the selected option.
- Fixed a crash when using the ODK geolocation.
- The Verification Information CSV file is now properly attached when sharing a file that includes Verification Information.
Android: Tella 2.9.0 (183) - Released on July 15, 2024
- Database Migration from SQLCipher 3 to SQLCipher 4.6.0: This migration enhances the security, performance, and compatibility of our database system.
- KDF Algorithm: Upgraded from PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 with 4,000 iterations to PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 with 256,000 iterations.
- Page Size: Increased from 1024 bytes to 4096 bytes.
- HMAC Algorithm: Switched from HMAC-SHA1 to HMAC-SHA512.
- Cipher Algorithm: Continued use of AES-256 in CBC mode with stronger key derivation and HMAC.
- Salt and IV Generation: Improved randomness and security.
- Compatibility and Performance: Enhanced performance and compatibility with the latest SQLite versions.
- Added a Backup Mechanism: In case the data migration fails. All the information inside Tella should be correctly migrated, but if you are facing any issues, please contact us.
Android: Tella 2.8.0 (178) - Released on June 21, 2024
- Implemented background encryption so users can continue collecting data, taking photos, videos, and audio, and importing files while the encryption process takes place.
- Added a background activity tray so users can check the progress of file encryption.
- Ahead of major changes in the next release, we added a warning to advise users to back-up sensitive files outside Tella, in case the migration fails and some of the files become non-accessible. See below for more information on the upcoming changes and guidance on how to back-up files.
- The top bar now automatically hides when scrolling a PDF for easier reading.
- Upgraded http protocol (okhttp3 library).
Upcoming changes and guidance to back-up files
The next release of Tella Android will include an update to the library used to save encrypted information encrypted in the database (SQLcipher). While we are doing our best to ensure the update to the new version happens smoothly, there is a small risk that some files are lost in the process. For users who are storing sensitive files in Tella, we strongly suggest to back-up these files to a location outside of Tella. This way, if something happens when updating Tella, those files will not be lost.
To export files outside of Tella and save them on your phone:
- Go to All files (or any folder where there are files you want to backup)
- Tap on ☑️ in the top right of the screen to enable "select mode"
- Tap on ☐ in the top right to select all files, or tap ☐ next to each specific file you wish to export
- Tap on ⫶ in the top right to open the context menu
- Tap on Save to device
- Select the destination folder to save your files. You can read more about sharing data from Tella through other apps here.
If you prefer sharing your files through another app:
- Go to All files (or any folder where there are files you want to backup)
- Tap on ☑️ in the top right of the screen to enable "select mode"
- Tap on ☐ in the top right to select all files, or tap ☐ next to each specific file you wish to export
- Tap on ⫶ in the top right to open the context menu
- Tap on Share
- Select the app you want to use to share your files. We recommend using an encrypted email, Signal or any other tool with robust privacy. You can read more about sharing data from Tella through other apps here.
If you have questions or need additional support, don't hesitate to reach out at contact@tella-app.org
iOS: Tella 1.8.0 (70) - Released on June 3, 2024
- Edit media: Users can crop and rotate images within Tella's encrypted container. Read more.
- Bug fixes:
- Placeholder with current name missing from rename file while recording.
- Rename folder shows the label "Rename" instead of "Rename File".
- Show attempts selected on the "Delete after failed unlock" and a handle longer languages.
- Solved UI issue in the label when creating PIN when installing Tella (only in iOS 14).
Android: Tella 2.7.1 (175) - Released on May 2, 2024
- Fixed crash when accessing the Audio folder from the Microphone.
iOS: Tella 1.7.0 (67) - Released on May 2, 2024
- Added support for a content distribution feature that allow organizations to securely disseminate resources and materials from a Tella Web space to their on-the-ground users directly within Tella’s encrypted container. This includes creating PDFs on Tella Web and sharing training material, guides for data collection, or documents. Resources can be accessed offline after download. More information here.
- Technical maintenance tasks and bug-fixing:
- Keep Tella on foreground (do not let it go to sleep) while encryption is in progress.
- Back button right after connecting to Reports now redirects the user to the Settings screen.
- Allow users to select today's date on the Date field in the Uwazi connection.
Android: Tella 2.7.0 (174) - Released on April 16, 2024
- Added support for a content distribution feature that allow organizations to securely disseminate resources and materials from a Tella Web space to their on-the-ground users directly within Tella’s encrypted container. This includes creating PDFs on Tella Web and sharing training material, guides for data collection, or documents. Resources can be accesed offline after download. More information here.
- Technical maintanance tasks:
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when using the geolocation service.
- The navigation within the Tella Web feature has been refactored for better stability and scalability.
iOS: Tella 1.6.0 (66) - Released on April 8, 2024
- Implemented background encryption so users can continue collecting data while the encryption process takes place.
- Added a background activity tray so users can check the progress of file's encryption.
- Moved the settings button to the bottom navigation (top right) to make space for the new notifications button, which opens the background activity tray (top left)
- Updated the encryption algorithm.
- Fixed a bug that prevented big files (more than 1GB) to be saved into Tella vault.
Android: Tella 2.6.0 (172) - Released on February 19, 2024
- Added support for PDF files in Tella vault and as attachments on Tella Web's Reports.
- Bugfixes:
- Editing a file inside a folder now saves the copy in the same location.
- Fixed crash on back button on the camouflage menu.
- Streamline the flow for renaming an audio recording.
- Added alt text on a back button.
- Upgraded project dependencies. Updated documentation with Android support information.